Monday, November 19, 2012

Media-making success!

Final product of my DFM web-building class:

Detroit Youth Volume performed at the release of the website in June 2012, which was also my graduation from 26 weeks of Web-building & Education class!

Here's a photo of Parrish and Reco checking out the new site:

Here's a video of part of our performance, this one is called "Twinkle with Beatz" (beats by Sterling Toles):

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Notes from DFM Web Track workshops 2012

from my Web Track
at Detroit Future Media

Understanding & Translating Design
Audience & Participatory Design
  • Include audience in design phase (Participatory Design)
  • If you want to have your audience be anyone & everyone, check out Inclusive Design. Consider the needs of the widest variety of people possible
  • Reaching specific communities?  Consider User Centered Design.  Include them in the design process (Participatory Design). Don’t assume what their needs are and what they want, ask them!  Then your job is to be able to come up a design idea and ask them if that is what they had in mind or what they wanted.
  • (Beta Phase of a website is limiting user access during a Soft Launch before you fully launch it.  You can get feedback from a few users before you officially launch it to the world). 
  • Resources for possible special needs of audience are going to be in the Resource Box of our toolkit
  • TWO CLICK RULE: If a user is not able to get what they need within 2 clicks, they will not stay on the page
Analysis/Research Design & Development

Brainstorming Tools
  • design boards (might include some images for inspiration, a color pallet you like for branding, text styles you like).
  • You can use Pinterest “an online pinboard” (application you can use to display your boards)
  • storyboards
  • site composites: could be a layout of icons
April 10 
(3rd session of the Web Track)

*if MAMP doesn’t boot up--search in Finder for “mysqld” and “quit process”. That’s a flaw in MAMP

  • to add a user, click PEOPLE on the tool bar.
  • authenticated user means you invited them and you know who they are. they didn’t request being a user.
  • Under PERMISSIONS  tab you can see the “permissions” and “roles”most stuff you dont want people to have access to
  • you may want the person to have permissions in “File entity” so they could look at a file, edit a file or administer a file (publish a file etc.)

April 24th

RSS Feeds = Real Simple Syndication
  • RSS feeds are scripted off of XML--XML feeds are based off of  ascript that has a bunch of entires that are wrapped in a tag--<id> blah blah blah </id> <title> blah blah blah </title>...
  • “dynamic content” is a “live feed” like twitter or gathering (“aggregating”) feed contents to one spot (like on Jenel’s blog she has a na aggregator that puts all of our blogs feeding into one panel.
  • Modules--under Core, enable Aggregator and then Save
  • Configuration and then Web Service and click RSS Publishing (you CAN upload a Module that will show up in the Web Service box as “Enable Twitter”)
  • Configuration-->Feed Aggregator   This is a way to start importing content and then you can later go into View and create a Feed for it.
  • to find the RSS html for a site you might want to “subscribe” to, go to the site and look for the little orange sign and put the feed html in the box.  then make your choices in terms of how often you want it to be updated.  Then Flush Cache by clicking the house icon on far right on your homepage.
  • NYTimes probably has a specific RSS html for just Arts & Culture if you just want that specific type of content
  • Use Feedburner which creates a sandbox that doesn't just pull a bunch of content from our website--if we had 20 website pulling from our aggregator every 15 minutes, it would be really taxing on our site and our host would be mad and probably it would crash their site.
  • Configuration--> feed aggregator
  • structure-->views-->add new views--make a name, choose Aggregator Item on the dropdown list and Create a Block--”use pager” means it lets people click a “more” link at the bottom of the block.

May 8th

Social Networking:
  1. twitter “im eating a #donut” [straight information, i wanna tell you something] Fiona said this is more nuanced and in-the-moment
    1. hootsuit is an app for your phone that helps you set a timer and send out tweets every for four hours for example
    2. echophone allows you to have multiple twitter accounts
    3. twittilator is a twitter client
    4. tweetdeck
  2. facebook “i like donuts” click the “Like” thumbsup button  [less technilogical savy audience] Piper has a business page, a fan page and a personal page
    1. market place -
  3. foursquare [some people use it for dating]
  4. instagram (pictures)
  5. youtube / vimeo
  6. linked In “one of my Skills is eating donuts”
  7. pinterest (mini blogging with moslty pictures--organize it into boards--you could have one, for example, called “my dream job”. more and more companies are getting into it like Forbes.  But pinterest owns your images once you post them there.  They can’t post copyrighted images.) Piper says all the fashion people have a pinterest but she hates it and thinks its super corny, would rather use Tumbler b/c the pics are bigger.
  8. last FM
  9. G+ “im a n employee at google who likes to eat donuts” [piper says this sux]
  10. tumbler [picture audience, youth]
Using social media effectively:
  • it is possible to using social media “in a bad way”
    • has a great toolbox for messaging and creating clear strategies.
    • Media How-Tos
    • good ideas for making a “media plan” for Detroit Youth Volume or Detroit Music Teachers Collective:
    • Example:  Identify news hooks. News hooks are timely happenings that you can plan media actions around, and may include a local take on a national issue, an anniversary, a holiday, or an event your target has planned (like an inauguration). News hooks can be issue-specific—for example, the first day of school or the anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education are good hooks for an education justice campaign. Create a calendar of opportunities. You can narrow it down later when you plan specific tactics or events

May 15th

  • Janel talked about VeRticalResponse and joey talked about MailChimp
  • Allows you to send out emails 1,000+ to people. 
  • If you want to advertise your site and drive people to visit your site
  • you can send a newsletter based on your content
  • one example is ModelD newsletter which looks exactly like their site but if you click once you can go to their site
  • charged by number of emails you send our or the number of addresses you send to
  • VerticalResponse has a non-profit pricing that is useful
  • They will manage bounce rates (when someone gets an email and it go to spam or it doesn’t get delivered.  if it bounces back twice that person is taken off the list.)
  • if you do this thru VerticalResponse it saves you from legal issues of spamming people
  • do not send too much or you will get Email Apathy, they will unsubscribe
  • You can not embed video but it can be attached and gmail will play it for them if they have gmail
  • Thru Vertical Response you can see the Reports
    • tells you how many people you sent it to
    • how many opened it--where from 16-23% is a good amount of opening
    • bounce
    • unsubscribe
    • top links clicked
    • top performing email lists
  • Analytics
    • total bounce rates
    • open rates
    • clicks
  • you can use their templates or make your own
  • you can schedule when you want to send send
  • “Lists” are the most important.
    • gather emails by having a “Join our Mailing List” on your homepage etc.  You can also manually add email addresses
    • there is a widget offered on Vertical Response that you can embed onto your site
    • You can also important from an Excel file
  • there’s an option of sending a Survey but GoogleForms is always free.  You have to pay for Survey Monkey.
  • if you messed up on a link but you already sent it, you can go in and change the link by clicking edit
  • send the email in the morning during the work week
  • do not send over the weekend
  • do not send after 4pm
  • do promotions to get people to sign up
  • Joey used Mailchimp b/c it’s friendly-looking and it works well with the googlesuite that The Hub was using.
  • Mailchimp is free if you send it under 2000 people and you can send 6 emails every month to the whole list. Vertical Response has something like that too.
  • when you make a Page, there are analytics available

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What new resources and tools have you acquired in the past weeks that you’d like share with other DFM participants? Prezi & Wordle

Homework 4 Vday

What new resources and tools have you acquired in the past weeks that you’d like share with other DFM participants?


my DFM Ed Track teacher makes the best prezis and i think it's because they are very simple. She only makes her words going either horizontally or vertically. She puts her main points horizontal in bigger letters and when she hits the arrow to go to the next thing, the screen goes to vertical words that are written smaller..hard to explian.

Anyway, in class my small group was assigned to create a prezi about Bad Graphic Design. Afterward I played around with making one about the parts of the violin that I could maybe use with my new students.


Wordle can be used as a Collaborative Design tool. My Ed Track teacher, who I clearly look up to a lot, uses it during her students debates so they can see what points they may agree on--she inputs the transcript of the debates into Wordle and it creates a visual made up of words. The words that were used the most are the biggest. The frequency the words were used in the block of text you input will coincide with the size the words come out. You can change the colors and font too.

The week I learned about Wordle (and there as one in the Gallery with all the characters in Hunger Games!), I tried to get my partner into it. He wasn't very interested until I took all of text from his Kresge application Narrative Artist Statement and made a Wordle with it. That got his attention! Then I even made a Wordle of his unpublished manuscript of poems called "Detroit Colors"--he loved that and wanted to look at for a long time. I got to show him the component to the site where you can check how many times each word was he wants to use a Wordle in his book and it's Open Source so he can actually do that! 

I ended up getting sucked into reading the Wordle creators blog. He seems really cool and smart--very into Open Source principles. He's a dad too!

DFM Web Track updates at this address

Stay up to date on DFM web class here:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DFM 2012 Orientation Writing Prompt

 Anthony, age 8, in Violin Exploration Camp!

Orientation Writing Prompt 

DFMW Writing Prompts

What is your vision statement for your major project?  
A vivid website for the youth violin program & everyone else in the world who is interested Detroit, youth, music, youth-made media, music lessons or teaching violin.

What ideas do you have for your major project?

Building a website to support youth from the Capuchin Soup Kitchen participating in the violin 

The site would:

*be a fundraising tool for the program
*allow youth to see images of themselves & media content that they helped create on a fancy website
*allow international & local audience to see black youth from Detroit's east side doing positive things-
-creating fine art, playing shows that support social justice community projects, working together,
working hard etc.
*promotes connections between violin group & community organizations that would like to enhance
their events with a performance. Can also connect the group with local musicians or artists that would
like to partner with us.
*supports community economics & an earned income strategy:
1) Youth can advertise services of event performances or workshops to teach people about violin.
2) They can also sell music or media-themed posters/clothing. These could be designed by youth
and/or local artists could create designs and share the profits with us.
*be a resource for youth in the program & anyone learning violin by providing videos that teach violin
skills/recordings of Group Class & Private Lessons. Violin teachers training in the Suzuki Method can
watch these videos; teachers must watch 8 hours of violin lessons observations in order to graduate.
This page may turn into being just a link to a YouTube channel?
*allow an option to expand videos on the site beyond violin to the youth providing How-To media-
making video lessons. Example: "How We Made This Video of our Group Violin Class"
*include a page with links to other Detroit youth organizations (Detroit Youth Media Network &
*include a page of links/videos/photos of inspirational musicians such as the group Black Violin that
will specifically support the youth in embracing the identity of being a violinist that can make art as
well as money with her instrument!
*create a forum for people to talk about the vision of economically-challenged youth receiving the
education needed to make money & support community projects through musical performance and
media-making. This may include a teacher forum for those doing this work in other places with
students & cities in similar situations. Teacher, parents, youth and anyone else can share ideas for how
to create & sustain effective programs.

Violin & violists from Rosa Parks Youth Program (Conner Capuchin Soup Kitchen) play w/
Invincible, DJ Sicari & Diana Nucera
@ Detroit Youth Media Network's December 2011 gathering.

What are you planning to investigate and how does it support your vision of Detroit’s Future? 
I'm planning to investigate other organizations that are trying to make effective music lessons truly accessible to low-income youth (in urban areas).  I want to see how their logistic work.  
=How do these org.s support parents in getting the students to lessons so that attendance is consistent? 
=Does it include organizing free transportation for parents & students?  
=Is it possible to implement alternative pedagogies in the context of logistical complications created by lack of funds by the families taking lessons? 
=Does anyone have earned-income strategies in which the youth are paid for performances or providing workshops etc.?
=are people using specific teaching methods? (Suzuki method)
=Who in Detroit cares about making sure low-income youth have access to violin lessons?
=Who knows how to provide lessons that result in more opportunities for youth to sustain themselves economically while at the same time getting them involved in the community=supporting and benefiting from an interdependent community-based economics
=strategies to make sure violin lessons feed youths souls with positive learning environments, chances to develop their own personal artistry and being involved in teamwork...

One part of my vision for Detroit includes youth being fully empowered in being able to make money using their violin (or any art), media-making and (event) organizing skills.

What media skills do you need/want for to complete your major project?
=website building
=better knowledge of imovie so i can support youth more in creating videos they can upload to the site.  I can also post videos of group & private lessons for the benefit of students, parents and for other teachers to observe.
=knowledge to upload the videos or create a youtube channel
=graphic design knowledge to make a logo (or support from someone else)
=knowledge to have a twitter stream on the site and a blog for students/parents

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My first post

welcome! today i made a blog for the first time. Im so excited to teach the girls how to do this!